Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Adventures

Hello and Happy (Late) Valentines Day! Today we had a lot of "firsts" - the first adventure, the first meal at an Australian restaurant- Bam Burgers,  the first time taking the public transportation bus, and first time meeting new students at Nexus Apartments.

The students here are very social- everyone is so friendly, and today we were able to sit outside the "common area" and just chat with everyone. I think that we could probably sit outside all day and not get bored. Everyone including the owners chat for hours and really enjoy relaxing and getting to talk with each other. So far I have met girls from Canada, the US, and Dubai. There are "heaps" (which means a lot) of people from all over Australia, including our new roommate, Tamarah.

Shopping today was a blast! Australia has outdoor and indoor combination shopping centers called "Fairs" and today we went to "Australia Fair" in Southport, about a ten minute ride from the apartments. Our new friend and neighbor from a few doors down at the apartment dropped us on her way to class. The weather was absolutely beautiful - sunny, warm and breezy. We also got to see the Southport Campus of Griffith University- tomorrow we will go to our campus at Gold Coast. Here are pictures from Southport, and the panoramic view from above the shopping center was absolutely amazing. Oh- and I got to see my first koala! Too bad it was a statue :(

We had a great day and just relaxed this afternoon after taking our first ride on the TransLink bus. It picked us up right from Australia Fair with all of our shopping bags and dropped us back at Nexus. Viewing the city on the return made me realize how clean and beautiful this area of Australia is. I am happy to be here and cant wait to explore some more of Gold Coast! Tomorrow we are going to the University for the first time and Surfers Paradise for dinner and dancing! Until then, Cheers!

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